Source code for finetuner

import inspect
import os
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from docarray import DocumentArray
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table

from finetuner.constants import (
from import Run

if HOST not in os.environ:

if HUBBLE_REGISTRY not in os.environ:

from finetuner import callback, models
from finetuner.experiment import Experiment
from finetuner.finetuner import Finetuner

ft = Finetuner()

[docs]def login(): ft.login()
[docs]def list_callbacks() -> Dict[str, callback.CallbackStubType]: """List available callbacks.""" return { name: obj for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(callback) if inspect.isclass(obj) }
def _list_models() -> Dict[str, models.ModelStubType]: return { obj for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(models) if ( inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, models._ModelStub) and obj != models._ModelStub ) }
[docs]def list_models() -> List[str]: """List available models for training.""" return [name for name in _list_models()]
[docs]def list_model_options() -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """List available options per model.""" return { name: [ { 'name':, 'type': parameter.annotation, 'required': parameter.default == parameter.empty, 'default': ( parameter.default if parameter.default != parameter.empty else None ), } for parameter in inspect.signature( _model_class.__init__ ).parameters.values() if != 'self' ] for name, _model_class in _list_models().items() }
[docs]def describe_models() -> None: """Describe available models in a table.""" table = Table(title='Finetuner backbones') header = models._ModelStub.header() for column in header: table.add_column(column, justify='right', style='cyan', no_wrap=True) for _, _model_class in _list_models().items(): table.add_row(*_model_class.row()) console = Console() console.print(table)
[docs]def fit( model: str, train_data: Union[str, DocumentArray], eval_data: Optional[Union[str, DocumentArray]] = None, run_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, loss: str = 'TripletMarginLoss', miner: Optional[str] = None, optimizer: str = 'Adam', learning_rate: Optional[float] = None, epochs: int = 5, batch_size: int = 64, callbacks: Optional[List[callback.CallbackStubType]] = None, scheduler_step: str = 'batch', freeze: bool = False, output_dim: Optional[int] = None, cpu: bool = True, num_workers: int = 4, ) -> Run: """Start a finetuner run! :param model: The name of model to be fine-tuned. Run `finetuner.list_models()` or `finetuner.describe_models()` to see the available model names. :param train_data: Either a `DocumentArray` for training data or a name of the `DocumentArray` that is pushed on Hubble. :param eval_data: Either a `DocumentArray` for evaluation data or a name of the `DocumentArray` that is pushed on Hubble. :param run_name: Name of the run. :param description: Run description. :param experiment_name: Name of the experiment. :param model_options: Additional arguments to pass to the model construction. These are model specific options and are different depending on the model you choose. Run `finetuner.list_model_options()` to see available options for every model. :param loss: Name of the loss function used for fine-tuning. Default is `TripletMarginLoss`. Options: `CosFaceLoss`, `NTXLoss`, `AngularLoss`, `ArcFaceLoss`, `BaseMetricLossFunction`, `MultipleLosses`, `CentroidTripletLoss`, `CircleLoss`, `ContrastiveLoss`, `CrossBatchMemory`, `FastAPLoss`, `GenericPairLoss`, `IntraPairVarianceLoss`, `LargeMarginSoftmaxLoss`, `GeneralizedLiftedStructureLoss`, `LiftedStructureLoss`, `MarginLoss`, `EmbeddingRegularizerMixin`, `WeightRegularizerMixin`, `MultiSimilarityLoss`, `NPairsLoss`, `NCALoss`, `NormalizedSoftmaxLoss`, `ProxyAnchorLoss`, `ProxyNCALoss`, `SignalToNoiseRatioContrastiveLoss`, `SoftTripleLoss`, `SphereFaceLoss`, `SupConLoss`, `TripletMarginLoss`, `TupletMarginLoss`, `VICRegLoss`, `CLIPLoss`. :param miner: Name of the miner to create tuple indices for the loss function. Options: `AngularMiner`, `BaseMiner`, `BaseSubsetBatchMiner`, `BaseTupleMiner`, `BatchEasyHardMiner`, `BatchHardMiner`, `DistanceWeightedMiner`, `HDCMiner`, `EmbeddingsAlreadyPackagedAsTriplets`, `MaximumLossMiner`, `PairMarginMiner`, `MultiSimilarityMiner`, `TripletMarginMiner`, `UniformHistogramMiner`. :param optimizer: Name of the optimizer used for fine-tuning. Options: `Adadelta`, `Adagrad`, `Adam`, `AdamW`, `SparseAdam`, `Adamax`, `ASGD`, `LBFGS`, `NAdam`, `RAdam`, `RMSprop`, `Rprop`, `SGD`. :param learning_rate: learning rate for the optimizer. :param epochs: Number of epochs for fine-tuning. :param batch_size: Number of items to include in a batch. :param callbacks: List of callback stub objects. See the `finetuner.callback` subpackage for available options, or run `finetuner.list_callbacks()`. :param scheduler_step: At which interval should the learning rate scheduler's step function be called. Valid options are `batch` and `epoch`. :param freeze: If set to `True`, will freeze all layers except the last one. :param output_dim: The expected output dimension as `int`. If set, will attach a projection head. :param cpu: Whether to use the CPU. If set to `False` a GPU will be used. :param num_workers: Number of CPU workers. If `cpu: False` this is the number of workers used by the dataloader. """ return ft.create_run( model=model, train_data=train_data, eval_data=eval_data, run_name=run_name, description=description, experiment_name=experiment_name, model_options=model_options, loss=loss, miner=miner, optimizer=optimizer, learning_rate=learning_rate, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, callbacks=callbacks, scheduler_step=scheduler_step, freeze=freeze, output_dim=output_dim, cpu=cpu, num_workers=num_workers, )
# `create_run` and `fit` do the same create_run = fit
[docs]def get_run(run_name: str, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Run: """Get run by its name and (optional) experiment. If an experiment name is not specified, we'll look for the run in the default experiment. :param run_name: Name of the run. :param experiment_name: Optional name of the experiment. :return: A `Run` object. """ return ft.get_run(run_name=run_name, experiment_name=experiment_name)
[docs]def list_runs(experiment_name: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Run]: """List every run. If an experiment name is not specified, we'll list every run across all experiments. :param experiment_name: Optional name of the experiment. :return: A list of `Run` objects. """ return ft.list_runs(experiment_name=experiment_name)
[docs]def delete_run(run_name: str, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Delete a run. If an experiment name is not specified, we'll look for the run in the default experiment. :param run_name: Name of the run. View your runs with `list_runs`. :param experiment_name: Optional name of the experiment. """ ft.delete_run(run_name=run_name, experiment_name=experiment_name)
[docs]def delete_runs(experiment_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Delete every run. If an experiment name is not specified, we'll delete every run across all experiments. :param experiment_name: Optional name of the experiment. View your experiment names with `list_experiments()`. """ ft.delete_runs(experiment_name=experiment_name)
[docs]def create_experiment(name: Optional[str] = None) -> Experiment: """Create an experiment. :param name: Optional name of the experiment. If `None`, the experiment is named after the current directory. :return: An `Experiment` object. """ return ft.create_experiment(name=name)
[docs]def get_experiment(name: str) -> Experiment: """Get an experiment by its name. :param name: Name of the experiment. :return: An `Experiment` object. """ return ft.get_experiment(name=name)
[docs]def list_experiments() -> List[Experiment]: """List every experiment.""" return ft.list_experiments()
[docs]def delete_experiment(name: str) -> Experiment: """Delete an experiment by its name. :param name: Name of the experiment. View your experiment names with `list_experiments()`. :return: Deleted experiment. """ return ft.delete_experiment(name=name)
[docs]def delete_experiments() -> List[Experiment]: """Delete every experiment. :return: List of deleted experiments. """ return ft.delete_experiments()