Source code for

from finetuner.client import FinetunerV1Client
from finetuner.constants import ARTIFACTS_DIR, FINISHED, STATUS
from finetuner.hubble import download_artifact

[docs]class Run: """Class for a run. :param client: Client object for sending api requests. :param name: Name of the run. :param experiment_name: Name of the experiment. :param config: Configuration for the run. :param created_at: Creation time of the run. :param description: Optional description of the run. """ def __init__( self, client: FinetunerV1Client, name: str, experiment_name: str, config: dict, created_at: str, description: str = '', ): self._client = client self._name = name self._experiment_name = experiment_name self._config = config self._created_at = created_at self._description = description @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def config(self) -> dict: return self._config
[docs] def status(self) -> dict: """Run status. :returns: A string representing the run status. """ return self._client.get_run_status( experiment_name=self._experiment_name, run_name=self._name )
[docs] def logs(self) -> str: """Check the run logs. :returns: A string dump of the run logs. """ return self._client.get_run_logs( experiment_name=self._experiment_name, run_name=self._name )
[docs] def save_artifact(self, directory: str = ARTIFACTS_DIR) -> str: """Save artifact if the run is finished. :param directory: Directory where the artifact will be stored. :returns: A string object that indicates the download path. """ if self.status()[STATUS] != FINISHED: raise Exception('The run needs to be finished in order to save the model.') return download_artifact( client=self._client, experiment_name=self._experiment_name, run_name=self._name, directory=directory, )