Design Principles#

There are several fancy machine learning libraries out there, so what makes Finetuner unique?

Focus on the quality of embeddings#

Finetuner is not designed to tackle classification, sentiment analysis or object detection task. Finetuner cares about the quality of the embeddings for neural search, and this is what the fine-tuned model will produce.

Given a query Document represented by embeddings, you can compare the similarity/distance of the query Documents against all indexed (embedded) Documents in your storage backend.

Dedicated to optimizing your search task#

Finetuner helps you boost your search system performance on different uses cases:

  • text-to-text search (or dense vector search)

  • image-to-image search (or content-based image search)

  • text-to-image search (based on OpenAI CLIP)

  • more is on the way!

Search performance depends on a lot of factors. Internally we have conducted a lot of experiments on various tasks, such as image-to-image search, text-to-text search, cross-modal search. Across these three tasks, Finetuner is able to boost 20%-45% of precision@k and recall@k. You can also observe significant performance improvement on other search metrics, such as mean recipal rank (mRR) or normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG).

Easy to use#

Finetuner gives the user flexibility to choose machine learning hyper-parameters, while all these parameters are optional.

If you do not have a machine learning background, don’t worry about it. As was stated before, you only need to provide the training data organized as a DocumentArray. In case you do not know which backbone to choose, use describe_models() to let Finetuner suggest a backbone model for you.